Kaleb Kinch

On a mission to modernise the Web, one website at a time

Febuary 16, 2023toJuly 03, 2023

Rewrite of CGAfrica

Web Stack: Next.js (Typescript),TailwindCSS, Jotai, Django(MySQL), SWR and Amplify

Completed a rewrite of the 9 year old 2D/3D art showcasing platform.

With a growth in users and revenue into the website, we decided on completing a rewrite using Next.js with typescript along with TailwindCSS, Jotai and SWR. The main reason for the rewrite was due to the bugs littered throughout the website due to lazy and poorly written code which was done by freelancers previously.


  • Made use of SSR and SSG
  • SWR used for Caching
  • Improved SEO
  • Integrated new API endpoints
  • Designed new UI for the Edit profile and Profile pages
  • Created an image quality reducer to decrease expenses





July 20, 2023toAugust 28, 2023

CGAfrica Articles

Web Stack: Next.js (Typescript),TailwindCSS, Jotai, Strapi (MySQL), Django(MySQL), SWR, Amplify

Designed and created a new Articles page using a combination of Django and Strapi for the API endpoints.

This feature was the first of the rewrite that was used to start generating revenue through sponsored posts.


  • Improved SEO and view time
  • Brought in revenue through sponsored posts
  • Used ISR for the articles to improve SEO (used SSR in the previous version)




July 20, 2023toJuly 22, 2023

CGAfrica Newsletter

Web Stack: HTML, CSS and Inline styles

The original version of CGAfrica contained a subscribe to newsletter section that allowed us to build up a good sized mail list.

Unfortunately this was not being made good use of so we decided to focus on making use of it for our first marketing campaign once the rewrite was done.

I was tasked with making a template that would allow for our UI/UX Designer to be able to create newsletter without any coding knowledge. The template had to be able to be opened in Adobe Dreamweaver and easily updated.


  • Branded newsletters containing Company logo, description and footer
  • Increased posts from our top users encouraged by our Artist of the Month newletter campaign
  • Revenue generating through sponsored newsletters





Febuary 16, 2023toJuly 03, 2023
V 1.0.0

Podcasting Platform (side project)

Web Stack: Next.js/React(Typescript), Redux Toolkit, TailwindCSS, Planetscale(MySQL), React Testing Library and Jest, Prisma, TRPC, Podcast Index API(Podcast Library API)

A small usable podcasting platform that contains a library of over 1000 podcasts making use of the Podcast Idex API.

The Podcast Index API allows for developers to make their own podcasting platform with access to a constantly growing library.

I decided to focus my side project on making a podcasting platform that makes the process of opening the website to having podcasts that can be played with just a click.

A lot of focus went into making an experience that would fit podcast users where they can easily start a podcast and then continue on with their day without much effort.


  • Bookmark podcasts on local storage (Guest account)
  • Favourite podcasts via DB (User account)
  • Large library
  • Sign up and Login functionality
  • Functional search bar
  • Filtering by category feature




